
  1. Golden ratio-separated frequencies provide maximal channel separation, that prevents cross-talk. Delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma bands arise in brain waves and are separated by a golden ratio frequency factor for this reason.
  2. Lindemayer string-rewriting systems (l-systems) uncannily model biological growth, particularly in plants. The l-system 0->1, 1->10 is a string rewriting system whose string lengths are Fibonacci numbers, whose ratios converge to the golden ratio. This pattern exists throughout the brain, if you look for it. Alternating layers, followed by splitting, is a key development pattern.
  3. Receptors for neurotransmitters tend to come in families of five members. The golden ratio is closely related to the number five.

Everybody possesses left and right brains, e

Male emotional memories are formed with the right amygdala, female emotional memories are formed with the left amygdala.

Split brain patient: left brain wanted to be a doctor, right brain wanted to be a race car driver

Fire / water elements

Area PFm

Brain area [[PFm]] is a part of the inferior parietal lobe or anterior angular gyrus. This part of the brain has greatly expanded in humans relative to great apes, much more so than the prefrontal lobe.

Right PFm is activated in scenarios involving universal moral values, the moral judgment of transgessor intent, and forgivability/mercy.

Right PFm is has frequently been called “the God Spot” in certain experimental paradigms. Paradoxically, damage to PFm is associated with increased spirituality. Juxtaposing

  • The role of PFm as the mediator of mercy and judgment of others, while damage leads to ‘enlightenment’; and human spiritual traditions advising mercy and letting go of sins
  • The notion of Original Sin and the human evolutionary expansion of PFm

is fascinating to meditate upon.