Glasser parcellation

Matthew Glasser, David van Essen, et al published a parcellation of the human brain in 2016, based on fMRI data collected during their earlier Human Connectome Project.

This parcellation is used as the foundation of the Neuromythograph model for the cortex. The Allen Brain Atlas is the foundation of the subcortical components of the Neuromythograph.

Reference maps of the brain have historically been hampered by variability from person to person. No two brains are shaped the same, and this goes for the individual brain areas as well. The Glasser parcellation represented a breakthrough because its map can be reliably overlaid on the brain of any human. The shapes of the areas may be distorted, but the topological relationships between adjacent areas are consistent. This replicability across people offers promise that neuromythographic interpretations can also be used to interpret fMRI scans across human subjects.

The Human Connectome Project-derived multimodal parcellation of Glasser (360 parcels)

By Hermes Phimegistus

Hermes Phimegistus is a descendant of Hermes Trismegistus, whose eponymous Hermeticism was the progenitor of Western scientific traditions. He has brought forth into this time the subtle knowledge of "As Above, So Below" that pertains to the mind, body, spirit, and brain.

He is the jackdaw.

You can email him at hermes AT neuromythography DOT com .